
X Men 97 episode 7 watch now

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* **Storm and Professor X return:** After regaining her powers and reappearing, respectively, Storm and Professor X are expected to rejoin the X-Men. This bolsters the team's strength as they face the fallout of the Genosha tragedy.

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* **Focus on Mister Sinister:** Trailers hint that the X-Men will confront Mister Sinister, possibly uncovering his role in the recent events. This could be a pivotal moment in the season, setting the stage for the finale.

* **Emotional weight:** With the Genosha massacre still fresh, the episode might explore the X-Men's grief and determination for justice. 

* **Setting the stage for the finale:** "Bright Eyes" could serve as a prelude to the season finale, tying up loose ends and building anticipation for the final showdown.

Stay tuned for reviews after the episode airs on April 24th!

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